CCI closes investigation in cartelisation in flashlight market
CCI closes investigation in cartelisation in flashlight market

CCI, in an order dated 6th November, has closed investigation in cartelisation in flashlight market, holding that there is no sufficient evidence to conclude violation of Competition Act by Eveready, Panasonic, Indo National and Association of Indian Dry Cell Manufacturers.

The matter was taken up after Leniency Applications were filed by Eveready and Panasonic.

CCI held that:

  • The flashlight market is extremely concentrated, with Eveready, Panasonic and Indo National, controlling about 98% of the market.
  • There is evidence of exchange of production/ sales data, draft press release and price information amongst the Parties indicating possibility of collusion; however, there is hardly any evidence to show that such activities resulted in determining the prices of flashlights.

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